Its been a while since I created art for art's sake. Bogged down with the mundane work, I never seem to have enough time to sketch, paint or even doodle. The other day, bored out of my wits I started creating these tile patterns. I am not really good at fine art, but I do like to think that I have a knack for good design.
"Do not feed the Creatives", is a sign that reads on the entrance door of our office. Besides the constant door slams and the sound of ferbles, I deal with a lot of foot traffic as my cube is a few feet away from this entrance. Co-workers passing by usually catch a sneak peek if I am not too quick enough in minimizing the many windows that are open to my design world. Although my department is quite laid back I tend to keep an eye out for nosey onlookers. But there was one instance when I was completely caught off guard, by one of my co-worker who was passing by.
For the longest time, she stood there staring at my screen that I had accidentally left open. And there I was thinking - " Oh my God! I've had it. She is going to suggest I stop slacking off and get my ass back to work!" She paused and after a brief moment of silence she said -" I know its none of my business, but I couldn't help notice what you were designing. These look beautiful!". To my surprise, she was in total awe of my work (which I personally think are nothing great by the way) and was visualizing these prints as a part of a contemporary painting series that she could use to decorate her apartment with.
At the end of the day, although my art didn't give me a sense of mental satisfaction, it sure felt like I had accomplished in motivating a fellow co-worker! Yay! Me :)
It's these moments that really make the job worthwhile. Pretty damn thankless otherwise, innit?