Makes 1–2 servings
* 1 small cup of mixed frozen berries
* 1 skinned, chopped pear
* 1 cup sugar
* 1 puff pastry sheet
* 1 egg
* 1 tablespoon water
Thaw the mixed frozen berries. Sauté them in a pan with the chopped pear, add sugar and heat over low heat until all is combined and has a jam consistency. Remove from heat and cool.
Take puff pastry sheet and lay flat on top of parchment paper. Cut out two heart shapes using a heart template as a guide (the template can be made out of paper or use an 8-inch valentine chocolate box). Create a heart ring—take one of the hearts, fold it in half and cut a smaller heart out of it leaving a 1/2-inch border. Unfolded and lay flat.
Take a fork and on the bottom of the pastry, prick lots of holes all around so that air can escape through and the pastry will not rise.
Crack egg into small bowl, add water and whisk thoroughly.
With a pastry brush (or your finger), coat around the edge of the bottom heart and the heart ring with egg mixture. Place heart ring on top of bottom heart. Make sure egg mixture does not drip on sides, or the pastry will not rise. Freeze for 5 minutes or until stiff.
Heat oven to 350°F.
Take puff pastry shape out of freezer and coat heart ring with egg mixture again. Place into oven and bake until golden brown. Remove and cool.
*If the bottom has risen slightly you can take a paring knife and gently cut it out make sure not to cut all the way through.
Scoop berry mixture into puff pastry using a spoon and fill bottom about 1/4 inch thick. Garnish on top with fresh blackberries. Sprinkle powdered sugar on top (optional).
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