Wednesday, July 28, 2010

eat, love BUT PRAY!

...that I never come across a more complete man than him
"Hi I m SK* and i m living in toronto canada.I saw ur profile in the tamilmatrimony well I m interested in ur profile If u feel the same pls contact to me at u are so beautiful Is there any fastening that can shut in love? Tears of the affectionate will publish the love that is within.And is there bar that can even love restrain?The tiny tear shall make the lover's secret plain.If possible,be certain that you'll do a thing before you promise to do it.Be true to your word,always When out walking,be aware that the energy of the universe is manifested in your body.the more conscious you become of that energy,the more inexhaustible your supply of it will be." Eat light foods more frequently than heavy ones.Drink at least two quarts of liquid a day. The lighter your food,the lighter also will be your consciousness."be willing,when occasion permits,to give others the last word." I would like talk to u lot but u are not mine yet If u don't like me pls before speaking,weigh your words but not too heavily." atleast we could be good friends shall we be friends ahtakecare bye miss SK*"

*For my sanity and security reasons the name has been modified and I've reported him as SPAM.

Sunday, July 25, 2010


image credit -
It's been days since I heard your voice
Lost and disconnected I feel not by choice
You take your time much like the tortoise
I am the hare in this race, not all that wise?

I jump to conclusions rather quick
Often, to analyze and over think
Conversations stagnate as time tick ticks
Distances apart, toughens us to click

Calm and composed, qualities, unlike you I lack
Emotions you keep in check as I keep looking back
I proceed with caution not to fumble
Don't want no repeats so as to stumble

Too closed, I find you holding back
Not sure what you think or how you react
Stubborn and indecisive about your life choices
I try to weed my mind of those many voices

Confrontations I know you dislike,
I hate to be the one to go on this strike
Being direct is a part of what makes me, ME
I can't help it, it's the only way I know to be

It hurts me more that you don't yet know
I much rather you called it quits, and said, "No!"
I am at the cross roads of Uncertainty and False Hope
Confused and wondering if there is any scope

I like you only too well to let go
It's been months too long to say no
Patient and tolerant, the being I am
It ain't fair, cos I do care a damn!
Funny these feelings, now of the past
To think back..what made me steadfast?
One more down and a few more to go...
So long, farewell, until then I stay solo!


Monday, July 19, 2010

The Circle of Pressure

I've been thinking..and I've made what I'd like to assume is a stunning discovery, prompted in part by a discussion I had with a good friend recently.

From the moment one shows some signs of comprehension as an infant, one starts being persuaded. The English language brilliantly separates this phenomenon as coaxing, cajoling, pushing, forcing etc..depending on the intensity of persuasion. I'd like to simply think of it classified as - barely there, ok I can feel it, that sort of hurts and OMG stop!

It all begins when you utter your first sound. The second that happens, people are coaxing you to learn words. And when you learn them they are cajoling you to show off in front of other people. Then comes the formal alphabet, followed by numbers, nursery rhymes, a new language, the whole host of subjects in the school syllabus, an art form (martial or otherwise), a sport if possible - should be easy right? And before you forget, nothing less than being the best at everything will suffice.

How many marks did you get? What rank are you in class? Did you win a prize? Were you selected to participate in the school day function? This is only until middle school, mind you. If you grew up in India, the pressure to be good enough to study Science in high school and other related "professional" subjects in your undergraduate degree begins once you hit 10th standard. God forbid if you can't do (23458 x 456.25) / 22.57 in your head or postulate a new Law of Motion. Are you really going to study Economics?..why that's almost as bad as Fine Arts! You can't be'll come to your senses eventually and B.E. something useful.

Of course, the average child tackles all this with the ease of a veteran, having had tons of practice with deflecting pressure by this point. Collapsed, panting in your college classroom, hoping that this will take you out of the rat race for a bit, you couldn't be more mistaken. We're still in India, and if you're female, the cloud of marriage looms dark on the horizon. This will only be postponed if you have the sense to pursue a post graduate degree, or like most kids, leave to go to school in another country where phone calls can easily be avoided if you so wish. If you're one of those good children that can't possibly ignore the parents, you can always cry student poverty and avoid returning for fear of being met at the airport with a suitable match.

Armed with a formidable list of accomplishments - academic and non, with a steady job in hand, and a partner in tow a few years later, you're heaving a sigh of relief, not accounting for competition at work and the need to outperform everyone else on your team in order to have somewhat of a steady career graph. Just to make things challenging - What about children? You mean you haven't thought about that? That's not acceptable..the only thing in question is the number, we think two is perfect.

Out come the offspring sooner or later, and when they display the first sign of comprehension, it begins again. I think Tim Rice sums it up perfectly - 
"From the day we arrive on the planet, And blinking, step into the sun 
There's more to see than can ever be seen, more to do than can ever be done.
There's far too much to take in here, more to find than can ever be found."
- The Circle of Life, Lion King

Thursday, July 8, 2010

It fits, it fits, it fits!!

My skirt is done, it fits and it doesn't look like rubbish! HALLELUJAH!!! I should have probably ironed it before I took a picture, but can you blame me for getting carried away??
To celebrate this coup, I am off on a trip to Seattle and Vancouver, and I couldn't be leaving with a lighter heart! The last month has been rather wearing, and hopefully tasks ending smoothly will be the trend from now on. :)