Sunday, July 25, 2010


image credit -
It's been days since I heard your voice
Lost and disconnected I feel not by choice
You take your time much like the tortoise
I am the hare in this race, not all that wise?

I jump to conclusions rather quick
Often, to analyze and over think
Conversations stagnate as time tick ticks
Distances apart, toughens us to click

Calm and composed, qualities, unlike you I lack
Emotions you keep in check as I keep looking back
I proceed with caution not to fumble
Don't want no repeats so as to stumble

Too closed, I find you holding back
Not sure what you think or how you react
Stubborn and indecisive about your life choices
I try to weed my mind of those many voices

Confrontations I know you dislike,
I hate to be the one to go on this strike
Being direct is a part of what makes me, ME
I can't help it, it's the only way I know to be

It hurts me more that you don't yet know
I much rather you called it quits, and said, "No!"
I am at the cross roads of Uncertainty and False Hope
Confused and wondering if there is any scope

I like you only too well to let go
It's been months too long to say no
Patient and tolerant, the being I am
It ain't fair, cos I do care a damn!
Funny these feelings, now of the past
To think back..what made me steadfast?
One more down and a few more to go...
So long, farewell, until then I stay solo!



  1. Love the image..and Sandira, you're getting pretty good at putting your feelings down in poetry! :)

  2. Thanks Mim! There is more to come :)

  3. dude. start going to slam poetry gatherings. very positive way of dealing with life's lemons! good on you.

  4. Very nicely worded poem :)
    I like
